Speculative Application
The Kalypso Media Group is a privately owned, global, independent developer and publisher of interactive entertainment software with more than 170 employees worldwide, operating from a total of ten offices across Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Japan and the United States.
Furthermore, the group owns four development studios – Realmforge Studios (Munich), Claymore Game Studios (Darmstadt), Gaming Minds Studios (Gütersloh) , Gaming Minds Paderborn (Paderborn) – to secure a constant supply of high quality games and works with multiple leading independent developers.
With a strong focus on strategy games for a global audience on all modern platforms, Kalypso Media Group's IP portfolio includes internationally popular game series such as Tropico, Commandos, Port Royale, Dungeons, Sudden Strike und Railway Empire.
haven't found a suitable position for you in our job portal but are looking for a career change, new challenges and would like to become part of the Kalypso team to support us in one of the most creative and exciting industries?
Then get to know us - we are looking forward to you and your meaningful application. Please let us know which company you want to apply to.
mit BerufserfahrungArbeitszeit
Pfnorstraße 14, 64293 Darmstadt, DeutschlandGeorgstraße 6, 33330 Gütersloh, Deutschland
Friedrich-List-Straße 87, 33100 Paderborn, Deutschland
Gustav-Heinemann-Ring 121, 81379 München, Deutschland
Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 11-13, 67547 Worms, Deutschland